
We are committed to delivering goal-driven work that adds meaning and value to every brand we collaborate with.

Pri Regno Brand Design - Logo, Tagline, Packaging and Clothing

Our Client

Pri-Regno was a family owned logistics company, it closed due to the family going back into full time ministry. The name means Kingdom First in latin.

Brief and Approach

The client wanted a logo and brand identity that was simple and highlighted the meaning behind the name.

Although the company closed due to the owner going into full time ministry, this is still one of our favourite logo's, the combination of people and the crown was highly representative of what the company stood for.

Logistics includes working with many different people, so we combined this aspect with a crown to represent the kingdom side.


  • Logo Design, Tagline & Identity
  • Packaging and Clothing Proposal
  • Brand Colour PDF

Pri Regno Logo Design Full Colour - Six Foot Design
Pri Regno Brand Pattern - Six Foot Design
Pri Regno Packaging Design - Six Foot Design
Pri Regno Brand Clothing Design - Six Foot Design
